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Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

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Nursery Class at Good Shepherd Primary School

We’re very proud of our Nursery provision at Good Shepherd Primary School; it’s an integral part of the Early Years Foundation Stage within our school. Managed by a qualified class teacher, supported by a specialist Nursery nurse and teaching assistants, our Nursery curriculum is an important starting point in the children’s education, helping them to develop a life-long desire for learning within a carefully structured, calm, happy, safe and secure environment, and all within an ethos that embraces the Catholic faith and values.

Nursery children have a dedicated space within school where they take part in a wide range of play-based activities to help them learn whilst also helping them to develop other important skills such as listening, following instructions, socialising with others, making friends and boosting their confidence. Nursery also has a dedicated outdoor play area, fully equipped with play equipment that includes a mud kitchen and plenty of space for games.
Parents’ evenings are each year and reports are produced at the end of each academic year. Our Nursery staff know their children very well and communication with parents is excellent, allowing staff and parents to work together to ensure children thrive and reach their potential.

Nursery operates during school term time only. We offer morning, afternoon and all-day sessions for children from 3 years upwards. All children aged 3-4 years are entitled to 15 hours free Nursery provision per week during school term time. This represents attendance at either morning or afternoon sessions, Monday to Friday. Our half day sessions run between 9.15am – 12.15pm, or 12.15pm – 3.15pm. Some children may be entitled to an additional 15 hours free Nursery per week, taking the total number of hours to 30 per week. This represents attendance all day
at Nursery, between 9.15am – 3.15pm. You can check your eligibility by going to www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare. If you request the 30 hours free entitlement, we are only able to offer a full time place. Some providers will allow you to split this with another provider, or to stretch these hours over 52 weeks, but we’re not able to
offer this option. If you’re not eligible for the additional free entitlement, you may still secure a 30 hour a week place by agreeing to pay Top Up fees, but please be aware these places are also subject to availability.

Children attending Nursery all day may pay for school dinners, or bring in a packed lunch from home.

To apply for Nursery, please complete and return a Nursery application form and supplementary form which can be downloaded from the website or collected from the school office. Please be aware that a place in our Nursery does not mean there is automatic entry into the Reception class in our school.

General Information for new Nursery Parents