School Clubs
Breakfast Club
We are not able to offer Breakfast club at the moment, but will review the situation regularly and will let parents know as soon as we are able to offer this again.
After school Clubs
At Good Shepherd, we’re pleased to be able to offer a range of after school clubs for our children. These are run either by our staff or by external providers working with the school.
Activities run termly, and this term’s timetable is listed below. Information is circulated to parents termly in advance advising of the activities that will run that term.
Places are limited and parents must order and pay for clubs on ParentPay, using their usual log in details.
After School Clubs typically include but these vary from term to term:-
- Computing
- Tag Rugby
- Football
- Technology
- Art
- Cricket
For more information about any of the clubs we run, please contact he school office.